Players' problems on servers
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#1: Warning ! Players' problems on servers Author: SevenOfNine PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:28 pm
I'm sorry to write this to here, but i can't leave this, and have to write this down! We had to collect informations first!
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Back to this incident on mars server... Any of you have a better proof, than this silly screenshot that it was the real FAZI?? Do you have any proof that Tabasko and xTech were there with him?? Well... i have evidences that he was not the real FAZI insulting and teamkilling you!

1. We have evidence on Jaremis, that he was nicklaming on mars server, as he did it on dU before! We looked after him in logs and in the ban list! We've found exactly the same ID on mars server and on dU! So we can confirm, that he was Jaremis who was playing on mars, and not the real FAZI!
Additional infos: While i was talking to FAZI personally, i've seen him yesterday on FBT server, and he was again nicklaming! I've warned admins to keep an eye on him, 'cause he could make more troubles in case he meets Jetlagg on FBT server!

2. As i know FAZI so much, this screenshot tells me a lot! Me and each reagulars who know him better, we know that he never acts like this, what is shown on this silly screenshot! "Seven out of Nine"?? Heh.... first of all.... FAZI never calls me like that...! The second thing... if you haven't noticed yet, he can't and doesn't speak english on the servers, only 1 or 2 words... not whole sentences! ..and the following sentence describes Jaremis:
[06/02/2012 21:56:20] [  SAY  ] FAZI: this is boring better come play monster hunt on "destination MonsterHunt [Main]" server

3. About Tabasko and xTech... as Annabella told me, they saw also them on mars server...! If you look after the stats and logs, you ain't find them on this server because they have never played there! If you have seen Kazik, i have no doubt... 'cause he is in the stats! But why do you Jet and Annabella get Tabasko and xTech involved into this?? Why do you think that it's all about only you, and we want only bad for you?? Why do you think that we've commenced a conspiracy against you? Please, stop accusing us wrongly!!

Some GameTracker links for Tabasko and xTech:
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Both have no results...

To be honest, i actually don't know Kazik so much, i have no doubt that he was teamkilling with this Jaremis! They found each other, and probably Kazik was a partner in Jaremis' evil actions!

Hate us if you think we are bad and we were wrong, and because we are friends and we stick up for each other! We don't turn back to the others like someones! But stop searching for only the bad in us and stop making false accusations! Always make sure first about the real facts, and think before saying something... otherwise there will be consequences, again fight for nothing!

About the teamkilling on the server... well, we are not responsible for anyone's behaviour, how they act on the server! I never ask anyone to insult or attack some people whom i can't tolerate, because i don't like getting into trouble and fighting, i don't like to be in bad with anyone! Besides this i have respect for everyone as long as they also give me respect! Another reason, i am a staff, so i have to show an example to the others, how to play well and be nice on the servers, and not how to be bad! But if they act other way and don't listen to me or to the other admins they will see the conseqences...! As we are available and can see what happens on the servers, then we can help! Everyone gets what they deserve! But please, be appreciative, it is not everytime easy to decide, to be fair and to make peace and people happy on both sides! Especially not easy when some friends get into this situation! But if they get a warning or maybe a kick they will understand it and not gonna hate the admins!

So we try to make it good for everyone, but i know it's impossible... and there will always be some who is dissatisfied and will hate the admins!

I want to stop this for now and forever and i dont want fights on the servers and the website, better if you don't try to respond here, only understand and inculcate! But if you dont believe us after this, then we have nothing else to talk about...! My conscience is clean...!
So this is  sign_closed !

Last edited by SevenOfNine on Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:43 am; edited 2 times in total

#2: Warning ! Re: Players' problems on servers Author: Data_Destroyer PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:32 pm
Maybe i should expand with Seven is trying to say..... expand a little more! To clarify not only about incident on mars server but to clarify the happenings that occured before this...... now and forever...

Firstly, on that incident on Team Speak on beginning of this year: Make sure that you 2 (Jetlagg and Annabella) have some proofs to prove your arguements before making  accusations.... but we dont have too much proofs either to "defend" this, so if we dont have proofs and you dont have them either... you 2 shouldnt make some accusations without any evidence.... like we too so...  0x0 Razz  But i have a screenshot about my conversation with him (Tabasko) about the team speak incident..... and again what Jetlagg and Annabella said, its not true... unless if they proof the opposite Razz

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Secondly, about Team Killing on servers..... you 2 have any evidence about the incident of AF-WTC map? seems not... and the video?? I am waiting for this video since beginning of this year Razz but again we dont have any evidence to proof the opposite... so 0x0 again Razz  And its very common especially on WTC map on elevators.... its absolutely impossible to make everyone happy but always will have some nasty kids around, always will have some nasty players around...... even to ruin a server Razz  And i am agree with Seven about this Razz  

Thirdly, About that k**wa player called jaremis, he appeared again on servers... i found him on coop server some days ago as you can see on screenshot below:

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And it seems that is really jaremis up there because of 3 items:

1 - You know, jaremis speaks too much english and he is more aggressive than FAZI as well, FAZI doesnt speaks too much english, only in polish... he speaks english only when needed..... and his grammar isnt perfect at all..

2 - You know it too, about the screenshot of yours on "Screenshots Thread" well, i noticed another thing strange.... FAZI never called Seven as Seven out nine... FAZI calls Seven only as Sevi and another important thing.... if FAZI hates you 2 i am sure.... he will never request a ban of you 2! give me a reason for this act Very Happy1  so, again, FAZI even doesnt have reasons to request a ban of you 2 Razz  And he only hates Jetlagg because of his behavior lately, disloyal with friends..... i have no doubts.... seems to be true Razz  

3 - As you can see on screenshots above, why he made questions like that??? think better..... he thought that i was a moderator or something like that..... so when i told to him that i was only a normal player... he decided to reveal your real identity as jaremis...... Jaremis is BACK! Sad

Turn on incident of mars server.....

We dont have evidences to prove that Jaremis is nicklaming again on other servers yet.... he was online on mars server and on FBT on some days ago...... but sooner or later we will have some evidences....

This screenshots below can prove that what Seven said on post above its true:

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So, as you can see above on screenshots, Jaremis is a bit smart.... he changed his IP but we dont know if he changed his ID yet.... If he changes his ID... he will come back sooner or later so.... we need to keep an eye on him if he returns...... Razz

So, he is nicklaming again Sad  Seven warned the admins of FBT to keep an eye on him and i warned mars about it too Razz

Fourthly, Ok now about X-Tech and Tabasko, Annabella said that she found X-Tech and Tabasko there playing on mars server and insulting people or team killing or something like that.... again have any proofs.... seems not..... but X-Tech doesnt like to play much here even on mars server either.... as you can see on chat log below.... he likes to play some hardcore monster hunt on Monster Hunt Atomic II:
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Ok, now i have to say anything here, i know that you 2 hate Seven but it doesnt means that you 2 are free to make accusations without any proofs..... its not so cool..... Make sure that you have enough proofs next time to make accusations..... and i dont want a fighting... its only to explain and clarify somethings...... by the way, as Seven said lets try to end this now and forever if possible Razz  Think as you 2 think but please dont make false accusations again... unless through the proofs.... ok? Thats all   sign_closed

#3: No icon Re: Players' problems on servers Author: BEEF_JERKY PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:55 am
Annabella and Jetlagg kick me all the time. All i have to do is look at Evanka cockeyed and she votes Very Happy1

#4: No icon Re: Players' problems on servers Author: annabellaLocation: Sofia PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:08 pm
BEEF_JERKY wrote (View Post):
All i have to do is look at Evanka cockeyed and she votes Very Happy1

Pedro,come again and look at me..right in my eyes to kick u again Very Happy1 eyepoke

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