
UT Name: iDeFiX UT Since: 1999 Joined: Feb 22, 2011 Posts: 191
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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:41 am
Post subject: About Xidia Gold |
Xidia Gold (Xidia and Xidia: The Escape)
22 years ago, the Liandri mining corporation discovered a remote world in the outer rim sector. The planet was composed mostly of rocky terrain, a mixture of dense jungle covering rigid, arid mountain ranges. But what attracted Liandri's interest was what lay under the surface. Traces of purified tarydium deposits lay dormant inside the hardened mineral rocks within the mountains, and an even more powerful form of tarydium waste was detected even deeper inside the subterrain. Liandri, excited by it's findings, didn't even attempt to uncover the reasons behind these apparent "un-natural" deposits of the rich element. They immediatly setup a mining facility on the peak of the northern mountain ranges, a broad complex which branched across the adjacent surface, to mines dug at depths miles underground. They named the facility...
"Outpost Pheonix"
For the years since, the planet named Xidia-287 has been occupided soley by the Liandri corporation, the only human presence on the world besides Outpost Pheonix is a military defense compound located in the higher mountains. The large facility thrived throughout this time, monthly shipments of cargo and supplies constantly add to the size of the project. In recent events however, a strange problem has reared it's ugly head, not more than 1 week after the last supply drop.  Final  transmissions indicated that a strange formation was discovered underground in the new drilling zone. Then the transmissions stopped.
Reports indicate that a deep space radio feed bounced off a satellite displaying an S.O.S. call from Outpost Pheonix. All other attempts to communicate with the base have failed.
Jones's tale:
Jones was supposed to just serve as a field scout, his job being to turn on a power transformer so the rest of his team could gain entry to Outpost Pheonix. He wasn't in the mood for this shit anyway, barely recovered from a bad hangover....he was not up for this assignment. And to add insult to injury, just to make his life even that much harder, fate handed him a raw deal.
Outpost Pheonix's transmitter stopped sending it's signal to Earth. After several failed attempts to reestablish communications, USM had no choice but to follow standard operating procedures incase of a loss of contact with a off world colony. In such a case, a team of investigators are to be sent in with a armed marine escort team. Upon landing, the team secures the perimeter just incase of possible dangers. Such serious steps are neccessary due to recent intergalactic piraters and anti-Liandri terrorist groups trying to stop the mass mining movement of Tarydium. Xidia, being a prime center for Tarydium supply, was considered a CODE RED zone, the  system bordering the planet was sealed off and a single capital ship was sent in, the USM-IceRaven.
Shortly after the Landing, Jones made his way to the transformer room ahead of the other marines, and is suddently and violently confronted by a large creature. Jones is unexpectedly thrust into a desperate situation, he soon realizes that he is on his own to make it off Xidia Alive. This is his battle..
Spencer's tale:
Spencer tried to do what they told him, he obeyed the rules of society but they got him nowhere. He had no identity, no allegience, no hope in anything. Considering himself a [censored]-up, he was more than willing to find something to latch onto, to believe in. He found Xidia.
Spencer is barely into his twenties, but after a few hours of the Outpost Pheonix attack, he had witnessed what most people don't see even in their most disturbing nightmares. They came from the Mines, the creatures, emerging from a Derelict spaceship that had been thought to have been ''dead''. He watched many of his friends die horribly. He made a promise to himself that he would survive, that he would find a way off Xidia and confront those lying bastards at Liandri who put him and his friends there without warning them of the danger.
Spencer wakes after a electrical explosion seperates him from his team and also knocks him unconcious. Dazed by a splitting headache and some painful burns, he stumbles his way forward. He soon realizes his life has a time limit, and he has to somehow defeat impossible odds and find a way off of Xidia in one piece. This is his escape...
The Characters
Jones- Demoted to a recon scout, Jones soon finds himself the last of his USM team remaining after things have gone terribly wrong. With only a one way radio communication locked to his transmitter, he has the guidence of his commanding officer to aid him. That and his own cunning and skills as a marine. You control Jones in The Xidia Incident.
Spencer- Punky kid with a good conscience, Spencer finds his last hope at happiness shattered by a bizzare alien race and the company who never warned him of the dangers. He feeds off his emotions and soon learns he has to act in violence in order to survive. He is alone in his Exodus, or so he thought until a mysterious person contacts him through his transmitter. You control Spencer in Xidia: The Escape.
Cray- A USM officer, Lt. Cray was seperated by his team soon after their drop ship was taken out at the Outpost Pheonix landing pad. Cray presumably found his way to the Mines and made contact with a Miner named Spencer, also fighting for his life. Cray soon tells Spencer that they both need to help each other to survive Xidia and make their escape.
Judd- Administrator of Outpost Pheonix, Judd was always looked up to by his crew. In the events of the incident, he led the survivors in a war to win their lives back from the creatures who took over their Outpost. Judd led his team, which included Spencer, to the Northern peak facility in hopes of salvaging an arsenal, but they were ambushed. In The Xidia Incident, Jones works his way to cross  paths with Judd later in the game.
Deckard- Judd's second in command, a war veteran, Deckard was a natural born leader. He never would stop fighting, which only inspired those who followed him. His tactics proved useful against the Derelict creatures for many weeks, but Deckard's own destruction was sealed the moment he refused to abandon the Outpost.
Jenkins- A very well liked member of the Outpost supervisor staff, Jenkins was close friends with the young Spencer and the older Fletcher, the three became a popular trio. Jenkins, like Deckard and his team, stayed behind to defend the Outpost while Judd's team went to raid the arsenal.
Fletcher- Jenkin's best friend and one of the older members of the staff, Fletcher was always respected by the younger people. He was soft spoken and seemed to befriend everyone. He stayed with his friend Jenkins when Jenkins announced he was going to stay behind and defend the Outpost.
Azriel- One of the quieter members of the mining staff, Azriel was known to be a thinker. When the others argued over a problem for hours, it was Azriel who approached the group with the solution. Azriel was one of the first miners to encounter the Derelict Creatures, and has since served as a information theorist about the inhabitants of the Derelict ship. Sadly, Azriel went into a Downward spiral of delusion and insanity close to the time USM arrived. He carried a chainsaw with him and threatened anyone who approached him. His whereabouts are unknown. |