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Match Infos
Distance traveled:35,28km
Map Time:00:30:52
Playdate:2012-06-02 12:38:57
Team Awards:
faTed196256 0 0 0 00:30:51 3,55km
wh0re66669 3 0 0 00:30:51 2,73km
dU.Commander_ITA219226 1 0 0 00:30:51 2,28km
iDeFiX70168 4 0 0 00:30:51 2,61km
[-.o]61428 1 0 0 00:30:23 5,23km
Xpress150956 1 0 0 00:25:10 4,68km
NiMBuS48405 3 0 0 00:21:58 5,23km
Mert93857 0 0 0 00:20:51 2,89km
bobs16709 3 0 0 00:16:00 2,91km
jej6455776 0 0 0 00:11:17 1,08km
pLaYeR^43975 1 0 0 00:06:49 1,07km
PanosKsigo1993 1 0 0 00:05:36 1,03km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
faTed 5 17 0 0 0 8 17 157 0 1 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 216
wh0re 1 13 0 0 0 0 3 52 0 0 0 0 5 5/1 0 0 0 0 0/3 79
dU.Commander_ITA 2/1 23 1 0 0 4 7 157 0 1 0 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 209
iDeFiX 0 10 0 0 0 2/2 1 97 0 1 0 0 4 5/1 0 0 0 0 0 120
[-.o] 0 27 0 0 0 0 3 37 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0/1 70
Xpress 7 22 2 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 1 0 0/1 8 0 0 0 0 0 53
NiMBuS 2/1 34 0 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 1 0 0 0/1 1 0 0 0 0 0 40
Mert 1 22 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
bobs 0 21 0 0 0 0 2/2 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
jej64 0 7 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
pLaYeR^ 2 0 1 0 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
PanosKsigo 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-06-02 12:10.47 dU.Commander_ITA: Change nick you say......depends
2012-06-02 12:10.49 dU.iDeFiX: is this your fav map commie? :p
2012-06-02 12:10.53 dU.Commander_ITA: Ide, what you think about her nick?
2012-06-02 12:11.14 dU.iDeFiX: err
2012-06-02 12:11.19 dU.iDeFiX: i´ve seen worse :p
2012-06-02 12:11.25 zebaisasexybitch: ahahahaha again with the err ;)
2012-06-02 12:11.29 zebaisasexybitch: and agreed data :)
2012-06-02 12:11.40 [-.o]: zeba when did u become sexy?
2012-06-02 12:11.48 zebaisasexybitch: when i was born?
2012-06-02 12:11.53 [-.o]: hi
2012-06-02 12:11.53 zebaisasexybitch:
2012-06-02 12:11.59 [-.o]: good to see the server running again
2012-06-02 12:12.11 dU.iDeFiX: staff wanted some time off
2012-06-02 12:12.16 [-.o]: oh
2012-06-02 12:13.36 [-.o]: i didnt sleep last night. i thought i did something wrong
2012-06-02 12:13.48 zebaisasexybitch: what´d you do? :o
2012-06-02 12:14.09 [-.o]: i remember i was in. then suddenly i got booted out
2012-06-02 12:15.00 [-.o]: i did have a little argument with karkass. remember zeba
2012-06-02 12:15.12 zebaisasexybitch: was that yesterday?
2012-06-02 12:15.12 [-.o]: i feel bad. i shouldve hold myself
2012-06-02 12:15.18 zebaisasexybitch: i have a bad memory :(
2012-06-02 12:15.19 dU.iDeFiX: everyone has arguments here :f
2012-06-02 12:15.20 [-.o]: u were there too
2012-06-02 12:15.27 dU.iDeFiX: lol zeba
2012-06-02 12:15.42 zebaisasexybitch: yeah but you needa stop showing off -.o :)
2012-06-02 12:16.01 [-.o]: i stood beside u when he threw the nuke at us. that show off?
2012-06-02 12:16.12 zebaisasexybitch: ahh don´t bring it up again!!!
2012-06-02 12:16.19 zebaisasexybitch: and no its not that, its other things :)
2012-06-02 12:16.23 Xpress: hi all
2012-06-02 12:16.29 dU.iDeFiX: hey
2012-06-02 12:16.30 zebaisasexybitch: heyyy :)
2012-06-02 12:16.31 [-.o]: i didnt say a thing until that moment
2012-06-02 12:16.45 dU.iDeFiX: ffs lol
2012-06-02 12:17.12 dU.iDeFiX: whoa
2012-06-02 12:17.13 [-.o]: i mean say something negative about him
2012-06-02 12:17.20 dU.iDeFiX: WTH
2012-06-02 12:17.27 zebaisasexybitch: who just exploded?!
2012-06-02 12:17.32 dU.iDeFiX: me :(
2012-06-02 12:17.40 zebaisasexybitch: aww poor idefix :(
2012-06-02 12:17.44 dU.iDeFiX: everyone is after me
2012-06-02 12:18.31 zebaisasexybitch: AWWW D:
2012-06-02 12:18.51 dU.Commander_ITA: NUOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
2012-06-02 12:19.01 zebaisasexybitch: i know how you feel :(
2012-06-02 12:19.05 dU.iDeFiX: ups
2012-06-02 12:19.19 dU.iDeFiX: argh
2012-06-02 12:19.22 dU.iDeFiX: go away lol
2012-06-02 12:19.22 [-.o]: what happen idefix?
2012-06-02 12:19.36 zebaisasexybitch: aww fuck.
2012-06-02 12:19.36 [-.o]: what happen idefix?
2012-06-02 12:19.37 dU.iDeFiX: i died again
2012-06-02 12:19.41 zebaisasexybitch: me too ;)
2012-06-02 12:19.54 [-.o]: u fix id?
2012-06-02 12:19.57 dU.iDeFiX: know the feeling
2012-06-02 12:20.02 Mert: hi all
2012-06-02 12:20.03 [-.o]: feeling of what?
2012-06-02 12:20.06 zebaisasexybitch: hi :)
2012-06-02 12:20.07 dU.iDeFiX: hey
2012-06-02 12:20.13 zebaisasexybitch: of dying ahahah.
2012-06-02 12:20.17 dU.iDeFiX: ^
2012-06-02 12:20.18 zebaisasexybitch: in the game of course ;)
2012-06-02 12:20.28 [-.o]: it is normal isnt it?
2012-06-02 12:20.34 dU.iDeFiX: ...
2012-06-02 12:20.39 zebaisasexybitch: :/
2012-06-02 12:20.47 [-.o]: u want 0 death all the time?
2012-06-02 12:21.07 zebaisasexybitch: well obvs most people do.
2012-06-02 12:21.11 dU.iDeFiX: i always die, so no need to
2012-06-02 12:21.21 [-.o]: for bragging rights. now that is showoff
2012-06-02 12:21.30 zebaisasexybitch: oh please dont start dd, -.o wont shutup then.
2012-06-02 12:21.54 [-.o]: i never showed off. i said i lack patient. u know that
2012-06-02 12:22.09 zebaisasexybitch: don´t make me list everything you show off about.
2012-06-02 12:22.15 zebaisasexybitch: trust me its a looong list.
2012-06-02 12:22.15 [-.o]: go ahead
2012-06-02 12:22.29 dU.Commander_ITA: Wooowww
2012-06-02 12:22.35 dU.Commander_ITA: interesting :)
2012-06-02 12:22.44 zebaisasexybitch: i´m not going to. i dont wanna start shit :)
2012-06-02 12:22.56 dU.iDeFiX: in the early days, ppl played more and talked less
2012-06-02 12:23.04 [-.o]: sorry. i shouldnt put u on the spot
2012-06-02 12:23.08 Mert: lol
2012-06-02 12:23.25 zebaisasexybitch: you didn´t? i´m just saying im not gonna start shit.
2012-06-02 12:23.38 dU.iDeFiX: Li
2012-06-02 12:23.40 dU.Commander_ITA: nobody here is starting shit
2012-06-02 12:23.47 dU.iDeFiX: i am?
2012-06-02 12:23.54 dU.Commander_ITA: here we love each other in Grecian Way
2012-06-02 12:24.05 zebaisasexybitch: peace and love people! <3
2012-06-02 12:24.06 [-.o]: reason i dont want to stand at the door with karkass. he will say i block him when he dies
2012-06-02 12:24.07 dU.iDeFiX: define love eachother oO
2012-06-02 12:24.15 [-.o]: he did say so
2012-06-02 12:24.16 zebaisasexybitch: shutup about karkass.
2012-06-02 12:24.31 dU.Commander_ITA: Yeah we love each other in Grecian Way
2012-06-02 12:24.36 dU.Commander_ITA: Girl and man
2012-06-02 12:24.40 dU.Commander_ITA: girls ang girls
2012-06-02 12:24.43 dU.Commander_ITA: man and man
2012-06-02 12:24.52 zebaisasexybitch: cute^ ;")
2012-06-02 12:24.53 dU.iDeFiX: stop crying, you too dd
2012-06-02 12:24.53 [-.o]: i go inside u said i show off. i stand with him at the door he will say i block him
2012-06-02 12:25.02 [-.o]: no options for me
2012-06-02 12:25.16 zebaisasexybitch: hey the showing off thing isn´t about the karkass deemer thing, okay?
2012-06-02 12:25.23 zebaisasexybitch: thats old news. forget about it.
2012-06-02 12:25.34 [-.o]: tell me what i did that seems showoof
2012-06-02 12:25.41 dU.iDeFiX: talk pm, i cba
2012-06-02 12:26.01 zebaisasexybitch: i cbf typing up long stories in pm so i just won´t say :)
2012-06-02 12:26.04 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-06-02 12:26.10 dU.Commander_ITA: what´s a CBA?
2012-06-02 12:26.14 dU.Commander_ITA: looks interesting
2012-06-02 12:26.21 dU.iDeFiX: lol
2012-06-02 12:26.24 dU.Commander_ITA: i want CBA too, whatever it means!
2012-06-02 12:26.28 dU.iDeFiX: it´s the opposite :p
2012-06-02 12:26.30 [-.o]: i did say some maps are easy. but truth some maps are easy
2012-06-02 12:26.37 zebaisasexybitch: AHH SHIT :(
2012-06-02 12:26.50 [-.o]: u mean no easy maps here?
2012-06-02 12:26.58 zebaisasexybitch: lolwut?
2012-06-02 12:27.24 dU.Commander_ITA: let´s keep our hands and let´s CBA all together!
2012-06-02 12:27.30 [-.o]: this map i consider easy. is that showoof
2012-06-02 12:27.36 dU.iDeFiX: su comm lol
2012-06-02 12:29.00 zebaisasexybitch: AHAHA^^
2012-06-02 12:30.44 PanosKsigo: et
2012-06-02 12:30.53 PanosKsigo:how i join the game?
2012-06-02 12:31.01 Mert: write ´!p´
2012-06-02 12:31.09 Mert: but just !p
2012-06-02 12:31.14 [-.o]: turn off spectator mode
2012-06-02 12:31.16 dU.iDeFiX: let me help ;)
2012-06-02 12:31.27 dU.Commander_ITA: same laft
2012-06-02 12:31.29 zebaisasexybitch: ooh clever^ ;)
2012-06-02 12:31.30 dU.Commander_ITA: left
2012-06-02 12:31.37 PanosKsigo: thanks
2012-06-02 12:31.38 [-.o]: wasnt he on spectator
2012-06-02 12:31.46 dU.iDeFiX: jasou :)
2012-06-02 12:31.47 dU.Commander_ITA: let´s go to CBA him
2012-06-02 12:31.54 [-.o]: what CBA
2012-06-02 12:31.58 zebaisasexybitch: what does CBA even mean?!
2012-06-02 12:32.10 dU.Commander_ITA: only few elected people knows that -.-´
2012-06-02 12:32.23 zebaisasexybitch: aww :c
2012-06-02 12:32.38 [-.o]: i need to get promoted
2012-06-02 12:32.39 Mert: holy shit wtf was that
2012-06-02 12:32.52 [-.o]: that was a joke of course
2012-06-02 12:32.52 dU.Commander_ITA: only a rocket tentacle
2012-06-02 12:32.54 Xpress: shit
2012-06-02 12:33.40 [-.o]: u guys agree if i say this map is easy
2012-06-02 12:34.12 dU.Commander_ITA: ops
2012-06-02 12:34.29 dU.Commander_ITA: nooo
2012-06-02 12:34.49 [-.o]: not easy?
2012-06-02 12:34.52 zebaisasexybitch: yay!
2012-06-02 12:34.57 PanosKsigo: wait
2012-06-02 12:35.37 [-.o]: what is CBA?
2012-06-02 12:35.54 dU.Commander_ITA: i face the danger!
2012-06-02 12:36.08 dU.iDeFiX: get away from the mirror comm :p
2012-06-02 12:36.54 dU.Commander_ITA: naaa is Funny
2012-06-02 12:36.58 [-.o]: i dont find this boring though
2012-06-02 12:37.08 zebaisasexybitch: its fun i guess :)
2012-06-02 12:37.25 zebaisasexybitch: except the skaarj part :/
2012-06-02 12:39.12 zebaisasexybitch: ahahahah good way to end it ;)
2012-06-02 12:39.26 zebaisasexybitch: !v
2012-06-02 12:39.38 [-.o]: that is good
2012-06-02 12:39.42 sashi: bobo
2012-06-02 12:39.50 [-.o]: good map
2012-06-02 12:39.58 sashi: aaaaaaaaaaa
2012-06-02 12:40.13 zebaisasexybitch: !V
2012-06-02 12:40.21 dU.Commander_ITA: tarmatation is better
2012-06-02 12:40.31 [-.o]: i have to download this one
2012-06-02 12:40.31 sashi: bobo xa9

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