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#destinationUnreal @ Quakenet stats by destinationUnreal
#destinationUnreal @ Quakenet stats by destinationUnreal

Statistics generated on Thursday 19 June 2014 - 3:00:30
During this 180-day reporting period, a total of 91 different nicks were represented on #destinationUnreal.

Most active times
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.1%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 `iDeFiX4905797661370 32054905797661370 122933.819.3today"seemed they switched map :("
2 Blackwolf3627710051640 295827710051640 178766.031.9today"Yeah... real life comes first! because its your future!"
3 SevenOfNine4672458361163 27114672458361163 102523.817.7today"i hope i can go back someday to the UK again :D"
4 Bobstah1654451128 17601654451128 98525.626.9today"haha, not gna happen wolfi :P"
5 Sev3n59543863 109659543863 44584.119.143 days ago"did u see the fire dU logo??"
6 SYAMEIMARU43219607 87143219607 61297.035.8yesterday"i don't like wasting time for eating tho"
7 rork57186322 57057186322 47458.344.26 days ago"that pic rules out 75% of the MH maps :/"
8 Jetlagg612409398 492612409398 19684.018.95 days ago"its quotes from duke nukem"
9 True_SYAMEIMARU65143266 47865143266 37487.840.9yesterday"i have no memories of what the rest of my team was"
10 Data_Destroyer425 44142513 19584.422.5today"snow only at the south region"
11 SevenOfNine_168187 37217168187 16374.420.622 days ago"i promise i will post, but not now, ok??"
12 Supy_Angel693989 21969223989 7083.215.016 days ago"and you didnt know, its impotile to ask a girls age?:PPP"
13 HellFireh176 176176 11516.532.121 days ago"well u have 97 on now? lol"
14 FAZI_55102 1745516102 5183.016.130 days ago"http://w276.wrzuta.pl/obraz/0SBneFcEiH0/catss"
15 _BoBstah123 123123 7506.130.121 days ago"been swimming and to the park today :D"
16 Supa_Angel3346 98193346 4294.421.0yesterday"maybe in summer when i have more time"
17 FBT|Navy_Seal54 8018854 3184.019.685 days ago"do you watch that gadget show on discovery science?"
18 Terraniux58 5958 2364.018.2126 days ago"she answered that her age is 28"
19 NECRIS_dU56 5656 1332.411.1145 days ago"why do i have dU clan tag right from my name?"
20 DOOMzilla42 521042 4618.943.271 days ago"as she dw/nw that if wud tell me anything ill ... capisci?"
21 NECRIS34 5143413 2044.020.023 days ago"im not making clans anymore"
22 Sev3n_48 4848 1763.715.980 days ago"i share it only with friends.."
23 tgR^ 4717246 1162.512.52 days ago"jo habs noch mal getestet grad"
24 DOOM_Stone 431627 1313.013.046 days ago"i had to long in 1. and now my name is up"
25 suddy 301713 1294.318.633 days ago"hi suppy, i am ok ty, and you?"
26 UT 23122 42118.3133.669 days ago" STULE, Val, DOOM_Stone, Demona ]"
27 Wolfi_work 21201 1034.928.281 days ago"bbl have to drive to the nexct workiong place ;)"
28 utb0t 19559 38820.4151.43 days ago" Felszabadto, Stevepu, BRUTLIS_LLAT, (-:__AARON__:-), TOA ]"
29 it-gR^ 1616 714.423.4138 days ago"ah nice, kk jetzt bin ich gespannt"
30 Yasmin 15510 744.922.9156 days ago"yeah i used to play on i4games when they still had MH server"

These didn't make it to the top:
Cro-natalie (14) Supa_Angel8 (13) DOOM__ (13) Wolf_work (13) Zacman_The_Damn (13)
ZakaR36 (13) HellFirehh (11) Ruless (11) Supy_Angel2 (9) FAZI (8)
Guest__ (8) [NL]Hardstylech (8) z-whitaaa (8) FAZI_dU (8) `Xenomorph (8)
pLaYeR^ (7) Guest_dU (7) Supa_Angel2 (6) kb-tgR^ (6) bittin` (6)
Church (5) annabella (5) Guest_ (4) Biasl (4) Anbo|afk (4)
mrguser (4) Guest (4) Catze (4) Jetlag (3) _BlackWolfi (3)

By the way, there were 31 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 `iDeFiX - 490 Sev3n - 595 Blackwolf - 1005 Blackwolf - 1640
2 SevenOfNine - 467 `iDeFiX - 579 SevenOfNine - 836 `iDeFiX - 1370
3 Supy_Angel - 69 Data_Destroyer - 425 `iDeFiX - 766 SevenOfNine - 1163
4 Jetlagg - 61 Blackwolf - 277 Bobstah - 445 Bobstah - 1128
5 Blackwolf - 36 SevenOfNine - 245 Sev3n - 438 SYAMEIMARU - 607
6 Bobstah - 22 Jetlagg - 240 SYAMEIMARU - 219 rork - 322
7 Supa_Angel - 19 Bobstah - 165 rork - 186 True_SYAMEIMARU - 266
8 FBT|Navy_Seal - 18 True_SYAMEIMARU - 65 SevenOfNine_ - 168 SevenOfNine_ - 187
9 suddy - 17 rork - 57 True_SYAMEIMARU - 143 HellFireh - 176
10 SevenOfNine_ - 17 FAZI_ - 55 Jetlagg - 93 _BoBstah - 123
11 rork - 5 SYAMEIMARU - 43 Terraniux - 58 FAZI_ - 102
12 `Xenomorph - 5 Supy_Angel - 22 NECRIS_dU - 56 Jetlagg - 98
13 True_SYAMEIMARU - 4 tgR^ - 17 Supy_Angel - 39 Supy_Angel - 89
14 Church - 3 DOOM_Stone - 16 NECRIS - 34 Sev3n - 63
15 Data_Destroyer - 3 Guest_dU - 7 Supa_Angel - 33 FBT|Navy_Seal - 54
16 Supa_Angel2 - 2 Yasmin - 5 tgR^ - 24 Sev3n_ - 48
17 Sudden - 2 utb0t - 5 Wolfi_work - 20 Supa_Angel - 46
18 SYAMEIMARU - 2 NECRIS - 4 FAZI_ - 16 DOOMzilla - 42
19 bittin` - 2 Anbo|afk - 4 it-gR^ - 16 DOOM_Stone - 27
20 Supa_Angel3 - 2 [NL]Hardstylech - 4 Cro-natalie - 13 UT - 22
21 SGTFrAnKo - 2 DEAD_ - 3 Data_Destroyer - 13 Supa_Angel8 - 13
22 `iDeFiX|away - 2 Church - 2 Wolf_work - 11 suddy - 13
23 mhplayer - 1 ]DTC[_DO1EK - 2 Yasmin - 10 NECRIS - 13
24 FAZI_ - 1 Seven__ - 2 DOOMzilla - 10 ZakaR36 - 13
25 FAZI - 1 Guest__ - 2 FBT|Navy_Seal - 8 HellFirehh - 11
26 unknown__ - 1 Guest - 2 Zacman_The_Damn - 8 Ruless - 11
27 Terraniux - 1 Wolf_work - 2 FAZI_dU - 8 DOOM__ - 10
28   Data_Destroyer_ - 2 pLaYeR^ - 6 utb0t - 9
29   ZacmanTheDamned - 1 kb-tgR^ - 6 Supy_Angel2 - 8
30   UT - 1 utb0t - 5 z-whitaaa - 8

Big numbers
Is FAZI_ stupid or just asking too many questions? 19.5% lines contained a question!
Blackwolf didn't know that much either. 14.2% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Data_Destroyer, who yelled 15.6% of the time!
Another old yeller was Jetlagg, who shouted 11.4% of the time!
It seems that FAZI_'s shift-key is hanging: 6.9% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:

SevenOfNine just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.5% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly.
Supy_Angel brings happiness to the world. 43.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
SevenOfNine isn't a sad person either, smiling 41.9% of the time.
SevenOfNine seems to be sad at the moment: 8.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
Sev3n is also a sad person, crying 7.0% of the time.
rork wrote the longest lines, averaging 44.2 letters per line.
#destinationUnreal average was 25.0 letters per line.
Supy_Angel wrote the shortest lines, averaging 15.0 characters per line.
FAZI_ was tight-lipped, too, averaging 16.1 characters.
Blackwolf spoke a total of 17876 words!
Blackwolf's faithful follower, `iDeFiX, didn't speak so much: 12293 words.
utb0t wrote an average of 20.42 words per line.
Channel average was 4.98 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Blackwolf (6 names) BlackWolf___, BlackWolf_, BlackWolf[OFF], BlackWolf__, BlackWolfi, Blackwolf
2 Bobstah (5 names) BoBster, BoBtester, BoBstah, BoBstah_, BoBster_

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 server 377 Blackwolf
2 think 241 Blackwolf
3 about 149 rork
4 there 119 SevenOfNine_
5 wolfi 107 Data_Destroyer
6 because 97 Blackwolf
7 would 90 Blackwolf
8 players 89 Blackwolf
9 hahaha 68 SevenOfNine
10 player 62 Bobstah

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 UT 55 SevenOfNine
2 rork 47 Jetlagg
3 Bobstah 30 `iDeFiX
4 Bobstah 20 SYAMEIMARU
5 FAZI 14 Blackwolf

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 1607 SevenOfNine
2 ;) 823 `iDeFiX
3 :P 769 SevenOfNine
4 :) 714 SevenOfNine
5 :p 246 `iDeFiX
6 :( 202 Bobstah
7 D: 184 SevenOfNine
8 :/ 72 rork
9 :-) 27 Data_Destroyer
10 ;p 10 `iDeFiX

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.destinationunreal.com 28 utb0t
2 http://www.destinationunreal.com/modules.php?name=Maps 4 Blackwolf
3 3 FAZI_
4 http://www.i4games.eu/btrecords.php 2 Blackwolf
5 http://www.destinationunreal.com/modules/mh_stats/playerbann 2 Blackwolf

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #destinationUnreal!
Wow, no op was taken on #destinationUnreal!
Strange, no voices were given on #destinationUnreal!
No voices were taken on #destinationUnreal!
No actions in #destinationUnreal!
SYAMEIMARU talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 25 times!
Another lonely one was Blackwolf, who managed to hit 24 times.
NECRIS has quite a potty mouth. 1.0% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <NECRIS> !fuck NECRIS

Data_Destroyer also makes sailors blush, 0.2% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 16581.

Stats generated by pisg v0.72
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 17 seconds

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