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Match Infos
Distance traveled:26,56km
Map Time:00:17:01
Playdate:2015-05-14 10:42:07
Team Awards:
Beemo34249 3 0 0 00:17:00 3,85km
Mousy_for_Admin!26457 2 0 0 00:17:00 4,47km
Melody.`52925 3 0 0 00:17:00 4,36km
Red120159 1 0 0 00:17:00 4,10km
theMuffinMen72994 0 0 0 00:17:00 4,47km
Tuco44563 0 0 0 00:09:20 2,04km
Denil2982 2 0 0 00:08:01 2,08km
EEE_PC*0 0 0 0 00:02:59 0,35km
viandel0 0 0 0 00:02:46 0,47km
:-/1804 2 0 0 00:01:11 0,38km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Beemo 14 2 1/2 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
Mousy_for_Admin! 6 18 5 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 7/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 47
Melody.` 5 0 3/2 0 3 0 18/1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 36
Red 17 18 9/1 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 59
theMuffinMen 2 25 5 0 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
Tuco 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
Denil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EEE_PC* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
viandel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
:-/ 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-05-14 10:26.06 Crow: those white Nercis eyes though...
2015-05-14 10:26.07 MireYa`: she´s much cooler
2015-05-14 10:26.17 Denil: na pali
2015-05-14 10:26.21 MireYa`: only cool people can wear Freylis btw
2015-05-14 10:26.28 Navy_Seal: freylis?
2015-05-14 10:26.34 MireYa`: skin
2015-05-14 10:26.36 Denil: oh no
2015-05-14 10:26.39 Navy_Seal: I see
2015-05-14 10:26.45 Crow: ha! I´m not toe only one oblivious to the names
2015-05-14 10:26.46 Navy_Seal: but Im uber nerd :(
2015-05-14 10:26.47 MireYa`: i saw speed relic
2015-05-14 10:26.48 Beemo: You´re Luthor, Navy
2015-05-14 10:26.48 MireYa`: where is it
2015-05-14 10:26.51 MireYa`: WHERE
2015-05-14 10:26.52 MireYa`: :P
2015-05-14 10:26.58 Beemo: WHOA WTF?
2015-05-14 10:27.09 Crow: gj
2015-05-14 10:27.16 Beemo: WHERE THE FUCK DID HE COME FROM?
2015-05-14 10:27.17 Navy_Seal: nerds in action!
2015-05-14 10:27.23 Beemo: HE JUST APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE
2015-05-14 10:27.27 Denil: lol map
2015-05-14 10:27.39 Crow: he fell out of my pocket, sorry
2015-05-14 10:27.40 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:28.08 Denil: wadwsw
2015-05-14 10:28.13 MireYa`: fucking nalis
2015-05-14 10:28.16 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:28.17 Crow: lol
2015-05-14 10:28.25 Beemo: I almost read that as "nails"
2015-05-14 10:28.32 Crow: yea me too
2015-05-14 10:28.40 MireYa`: =D
2015-05-14 10:28.42 Crow: I do in general with that name
2015-05-14 10:28.49 Denil: hj
2015-05-14 10:28.50 MireYa`: yes
2015-05-14 10:28.51 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:28.53 MireYa`: i catched a stone!!
2015-05-14 10:28.56 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:28.58 MireYa`: how many points for that?
2015-05-14 10:29.03 Beemo: XDDD
2015-05-14 10:29.08 Crow: 1 mil!
2015-05-14 10:29.10 Denil: na pali is?
2015-05-14 10:29.16 MireYa`: =D
2015-05-14 10:29.21 Beemo: you don´t know what Na Pali is?
2015-05-14 10:29.24 Denil: na pali is map?
2015-05-14 10:29.28 MireYa`: yessssssss, speed baby!
2015-05-14 10:29.40 Beemo: Na Pali is the planet the first game and RTNP take place on
2015-05-14 10:29.43 Denil: lol
2015-05-14 10:29.45 Beemo: who DOESN´T know that?
2015-05-14 10:29.51 MireYa`: i like to move it move it
2015-05-14 10:30.03 Crow: tbh I´ve only played UT all along...
2015-05-14 10:30.05 Beemo: from what I´ve heard
2015-05-14 10:30.11 Beemo: Na Pali was originally called Gryphon
2015-05-14 10:30.23 Crow: Gryphon is a vulture
2015-05-14 10:30.30 Beemo: dk if it´s true or not, I just heard it from UnrealSP
2015-05-14 10:30.42 Denil: unreal4
2015-05-14 10:30.50 Denil: ut4
2015-05-14 10:31.05 Crow: should check out the latest UT when it comes out
2015-05-14 10:31.09 Crow: graphics look nice
2015-05-14 10:31.23 Denil: look nali!
2015-05-14 10:31.27 Beemo: I´m gonna wait until it finally releases
2015-05-14 10:31.32 Beemo: idk
2015-05-14 10:31.33 Beemo: I´ll see.
2015-05-14 10:31.35 Denil: haha
2015-05-14 10:31.41 Crow: otoh my video card might not like it, and I won;t bother ypgrading
2015-05-14 10:31.44 Beemo: what´s so funny about that?
2015-05-14 10:31.51 Navy_Seal: ffs
2015-05-14 10:31.56 Denil: haha
2015-05-14 10:32.05 MireYa`: i hate these long walks
2015-05-14 10:32.07 Denil: im
2015-05-14 10:32.11 MireYa`: can we have a car?
2015-05-14 10:32.24 Denil: car is in oustide
2015-05-14 10:32.27 Crow: vehicles could be cool here
2015-05-14 10:32.41 Beemo: UT2004 has vehicles.
2015-05-14 10:33.02 Beemo: UT2004 is pretty much dead nowadays
2015-05-14 10:33.08 Denil: nali sniper
2015-05-14 10:33.14 Beemo: if it is online, all people do is play Onslaught
2015-05-14 10:33.15 MireYa`: already?
2015-05-14 10:33.24 Beemo: most of the time.
2015-05-14 10:33.35 Crow: happens all the time
2015-05-14 10:33.36 MireYa`: look at that dead body
2015-05-14 10:33.41 Beemo: Hello! :)
2015-05-14 10:33.44 Beemo: Hi, Tuco.
2015-05-14 10:33.48 Tuco: hi
2015-05-14 10:33.49 MireYa`: Taco
2015-05-14 10:33.51 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:33.52 MireYa`: Yay taco!
2015-05-14 10:33.52 Crow: is it all green and slimy?
2015-05-14 10:34.03 Beemo: green sludgy tacos? gross.
2015-05-14 10:34.06 Crow: rofl, it´s Tuch from Breaking Bad
2015-05-14 10:34.11 Beemo: the fuck´s wrong with you? :P
2015-05-14 10:34.21 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:34.32 MireYa`: stop loving me darn skaarjs
2015-05-14 10:34.58 Beemo: don´t fight it. you know you want the horrific but huge Skaarj cock. ;)
2015-05-14 10:35.09 MireYa`: Lol.
2015-05-14 10:35.16 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:35.17 Crow: nasty
2015-05-14 10:35.30 MireYa`: haha
2015-05-14 10:35.31 Beemo: it´s just as threatening as the skaarj itself
2015-05-14 10:35.38 MireYa`: funny when i try looking under this
2015-05-14 10:35.43 MireYa`: i actually try doing it irl.
2015-05-14 10:35.50 MireYa`: doesn´t work.
2015-05-14 10:36.07 MireYa`: run Taco run
2015-05-14 10:36.28 Crow: try not to spill your filling on the way
2015-05-14 10:36.35 Beemo: wtf?
2015-05-14 10:36.40 Beemo: they´re frozen in place.
2015-05-14 10:36.47 MireYa`: easy.
2015-05-14 10:37.00 MireYa`: they do that
2015-05-14 10:37.03 MireYa`: when they are afraid
2015-05-14 10:37.05 Beemo: how ironic.
2015-05-14 10:37.07 MireYa`: they bond together
2015-05-14 10:37.10 MireYa`: bunch of gays
2015-05-14 10:37.12 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:37.16 Crow: it´s actually an orgy
2015-05-14 10:37.17 Beemo: homophobic bitch.
2015-05-14 10:37.20 Beemo: jk
2015-05-14 10:39.02 Crow: damn at first it looked scary
2015-05-14 10:39.10 MireYa`: lol
2015-05-14 10:39.20 MireYa`: titans sometimes look like they are smelling there armpits
2015-05-14 10:39.23 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:39.26 Beemo: True.
2015-05-14 10:39.26 Crow: yea!
2015-05-14 10:39.28 Beemo: Hello! :)
2015-05-14 10:39.28 EEE_PC_901*: hi
2015-05-14 10:39.33 theMuffinMen: hy EEE
2015-05-14 10:39.39 Beemo: Hello! :)
2015-05-14 10:39.40 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:39.47 Crow: Hello box loving cow
2015-05-14 10:39.50 EEE_PC_901*: you dont know a boxes tips??? here!!
2015-05-14 10:39.56 Crow: rofl
2015-05-14 10:39.58 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:40.00 EEE_PC_901*: come,up
2015-05-14 10:40.12 Beemo: "come up in my ass"
2015-05-14 10:40.12 EEE_PC_901*: up
2015-05-14 10:40.18 EEE_PC_901*: up
2015-05-14 10:40.18 MireYa`: hi cowie
2015-05-14 10:40.21 Crow: go alone
2015-05-14 10:40.21 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:40.21 Beemo: ~.:LOL:.~
2015-05-14 10:40.22 EEE_PC_901*: hiii
2015-05-14 10:41.51 Beemo: this place seems more crowded early morning hours.
2015-05-14 10:42.05 Crow: it´s mid morning in Europe
2015-05-14 10:42.17 Beemo: I thought you were in Canada?
2015-05-14 10:42.21 Beemo: gg
2015-05-14 10:42.24 theMuffinMen: gg
2015-05-14 10:42.34 Crow: I am, I know what´s going on in Europe though
2015-05-14 10:42.45 Navy_Seal: must be early in canada
2015-05-14 10:42.52 Navy_Seal: like 1:42?
2015-05-14 10:43.02 Crow: 4:40AM
2015-05-14 10:43.05 Navy_Seal: ah
2015-05-14 10:43.08 Beemo: 3:43 AM
2015-05-14 10:43.31 Crow: bridge time?
2015-05-14 10:43.34 Crow: !v

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