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Match Infos
Distance traveled:15,93km
Map Time:00:19:06
Playdate:2015-07-26 23:37:24
Team Awards:
FAZI46328 3 1 0 00:19:06 5,45km
michuuu13592 2 0 0 00:12:06 2,62km
}ElitE{HellFire`2117 7 5 0 00:09:01 3,10km
Red12641 2 0 0 00:08:58 2,48km
BusterBold0 0 0 0 00:08:39 0,02km
Grande-2 100 100 0 00:05:25 0,95km
Goliath708 0 0 0 00:03:17 1,30km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
FAZI 10/1 5 0 0 0 1 15 4 1 0 0/1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0/1 39
michuuu 0 0 2 0 0 1 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0/1 8
}ElitE{HellFire` 0 4 0 0 0 0 0/1 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/5 4
Red 1 9 0/1 0 0 3 13/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 32
BusterBold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grande 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/100 0
Goliath 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-07-26 23:19.22 Ankea:and don´t find it wierd that he is hated though
2015-07-26 23:19.30 viandel:tentacle: please fix the typos in your nickname
2015-07-26 23:19.31 Navy_Seal: ya
2015-07-26 23:19.40 Navy_Seal: hi viandel
2015-07-26 23:19.46 Ankea:hey viandel :o
2015-07-26 23:19.47 viandel:oink seal
2015-07-26 23:19.51 Navy_Seal: oi oi
2015-07-26 23:19.51 a_tentcale_friends: hey viandel
2015-07-26 23:19.53 a_tentcale_friends: !s
2015-07-26 23:19.58 }ElitE{HellFire`:he cries at everyone
2015-07-26 23:20.12 Ankea:i even got banned because of his crying :P
2015-07-26 23:20.18 }ElitE{HellFire`:let him first learn how to play before judging
2015-07-26 23:20.31 }ElitE{HellFire`:hes the french mister
2015-07-26 23:20.38 Navy_Seal: huh
2015-07-26 23:20.39 Ankea:ahhhh mister is so boring -.-
2015-07-26 23:20.42 }ElitE{HellFire`:only mister doesn´t complain
2015-07-26 23:20.53 }ElitE{HellFire`:i meant in terms of maps
2015-07-26 23:20.55 Ankea:but he is still boring :P
2015-07-26 23:21.10 }ElitE{HellFire`:hiding, playing safe as fuck to keep 0 deaths in his
2015-07-26 23:21.15 }ElitE{HellFire`:ripper-around-corner maps
2015-07-26 23:21.29 Ankea:also the idiot czech pol
2015-07-26 23:21.44 Dem:mister just probably hasn´t found his T key yet
2015-07-26 23:21.45 Navy_Seal: hoe?
2015-07-26 23:21.46 Ankea:i hate those 3 :D
2015-07-26 23:21.48 michuuu: fuck you
2015-07-26 23:21.49 viandel:who is in charge of updating the mappool?
2015-07-26 23:21.52 viandel:so many good maps misisng
2015-07-26 23:21.59 Dem:"good" like what?
2015-07-26 23:22.04 }ElitE{HellFire`:hoe wat
2015-07-26 23:22.06 a_tentcale_friends:haha
2015-07-26 23:22.15 viandel:maps being used in the TMH cup on ClanBase
2015-07-26 23:22.18 Ankea:(Cz)Pol navy you don´t know him?...
2015-07-26 23:22.20 }ElitE{HellFire`:die dingen kun je mollen ja
2015-07-26 23:22.25 }ElitE{HellFire`:shock sneller
2015-07-26 23:22.27 Dem:TMH is gay
2015-07-26 23:22.27 Navy_Seal: I know him
2015-07-26 23:22.37 Ankea:he calls me TK ankea
2015-07-26 23:22.39 Navy_Seal: waar lgit
2015-07-26 23:22.39 Ankea:hahahahaha :D
2015-07-26 23:22.42 viandel:and some others too prolly, i find it hard to memorise mh maps
2015-07-26 23:22.43 }ElitE{HellFire`:begin :p
2015-07-26 23:22.43 Navy_Seal: dat
2015-07-26 23:22.49 Navy_Seal: terug?
2015-07-26 23:22.52 }ElitE{HellFire`:ja
2015-07-26 23:23.05 Ankea:dutch is so near to german ._.
2015-07-26 23:23.16 }ElitE{HellFire`:in die dozen
2015-07-26 23:23.24 Navy_Seal: ah
2015-07-26 23:23.24 }ElitE{HellFire`:german sucks
2015-07-26 23:23.32 FAZI: SS
2015-07-26 23:23.36 }ElitE{HellFire`:lool
2015-07-26 23:23.41 Ankea:i know it´s annoying
2015-07-26 23:23.45 Navy_Seal: you know
2015-07-26 23:23.47 Navy_Seal: when traveling
2015-07-26 23:23.51 Ankea:and hard
2015-07-26 23:23.53 Navy_Seal: I never get along with germans
2015-07-26 23:24.23 Ankea:more specs than players mmmmm
2015-07-26 23:24.23 Ankea::D
2015-07-26 23:24.50 }ElitE{HellFire`:i was bored just came to relax
2015-07-26 23:25.07 Ankea:i want to play but am tired
2015-07-26 23:25.09 Ankea::P
2015-07-26 23:25.17 Navy_Seal: gvd
2015-07-26 23:25.26 Ankea:raped by skaarj
2015-07-26 23:25.42 Ankea:and most of maps i don´t like too :/
2015-07-26 23:26.41 viandel:haha i love the guys using rockets to kill monsters
2015-07-26 23:26.44 Ankea:i find myself very picky in maps :P
2015-07-26 23:26.50 Navy_Seal: you call me a n00b
2015-07-26 23:26.51 Navy_Seal: :o
2015-07-26 23:26.53 viandel:isnt that the weapon that does least amount of damage
2015-07-26 23:26.53 }ElitE{HellFire`:middelste paal aanraken om deur open te maken
2015-07-26 23:26.56 Ankea:yes
2015-07-26 23:26.59 }ElitE{HellFire`:oh is al gebeurd
2015-07-26 23:27.05 Navy_Seal: oh zo
2015-07-26 23:27.09 Ankea:i called you noob even viandel :P
2015-07-26 23:27.29 a_tentcale_friends:they spectators play
2015-07-26 23:27.34 a_tentcale_friends:!play
2015-07-26 23:27.48 Ankea:rush in better than hiding in
2015-07-26 23:27.50 Navy_Seal: haha
2015-07-26 23:27.54 Navy_Seal: kut
2015-07-26 23:27.55 Ankea:told you
2015-07-26 23:28.08 Navy_Seal: ik had naar achter moeten rennen
2015-07-26 23:28.11 Navy_Seal: !s
2015-07-26 23:28.17 Ankea:rage? :o
2015-07-26 23:28.19 }ElitE{HellFire`:aan de rechtse of linkse kant ben je veilig in die gangen ja
2015-07-26 23:28.31 Navy_Seal:not really rage
2015-07-26 23:28.36 Navy_Seal:just got bored of it
2015-07-26 23:28.38 Ankea:am kidding :P
2015-07-26 23:28.44 Navy_Seal:but
2015-07-26 23:28.48 Navy_Seal:your attitude
2015-07-26 23:28.49 viandel:smells like rage
2015-07-26 23:28.49 Navy_Seal::o
2015-07-26 23:28.52 Navy_Seal:call me a n00b
2015-07-26 23:28.53 Navy_Seal::o
2015-07-26 23:28.55 Navy_Seal::o
2015-07-26 23:28.58 Navy_Seal::P
2015-07-26 23:29.02 Ankea:fs was it obvious? :o
2015-07-26 23:29.06 Navy_Seal:yes!
2015-07-26 23:29.11 Ankea:omg how dare me...
2015-07-26 23:29.20 Ankea:Am sorry to make it that obvious
2015-07-26 23:29.23 Navy_Seal:see hellfire :D
2015-07-26 23:29.27 Ankea:next time i will try hide my feelings
2015-07-26 23:29.29 Ankea::P
2015-07-26 23:29.39 Navy_Seal:please dont :P
2015-07-26 23:29.49 Ankea::D
2015-07-26 23:30.08 Navy_Seal:morgen weer werken?
2015-07-26 23:30.24 }ElitE{HellFire`: ja 6 dagen klote
2015-07-26 23:30.28 Navy_Seal:ahh
2015-07-26 23:30.32 Ankea:why it´s so hard to even understand what you are saying lol
2015-07-26 23:30.57 Navy_Seal:ik heb in elk geval de Prince 2 examen afgelegd
2015-07-26 23:30.58 Navy_Seal:online*
2015-07-26 23:31.06 Navy_Seal:wel grappig hoor...want je moet cam + mic hebben
2015-07-26 23:31.06 }ElitE{HellFire`: netjes
2015-07-26 23:31.17 Ankea:a camera and a mic
2015-07-26 23:31.23 Navy_Seal:ik heb hem thuis gemaakt dus ze willen wel zien of je niet afki
2015-07-26 23:31.25 Navy_Seal:well
2015-07-26 23:31.26 Ankea:that what i only understood :P
2015-07-26 23:31.34 viandel:as a dutch speaker myself, i find it hard to understand them to
2015-07-26 23:31.36 }ElitE{HellFire`: nooit van gehoord dat ze dat zo deden
2015-07-26 23:31.40 Navy_Seal:I made a Prince 2 Foundation exam
2015-07-26 23:31.43 Ankea:hahahaha :D
2015-07-26 23:31.44 Navy_Seal:made it only
2015-07-26 23:31.44 viandel:they are speaking in code
2015-07-26 23:31.47 Navy_Seal:online*
2015-07-26 23:31.57 Ankea:ohh navy is translating :D
2015-07-26 23:32.01 Navy_Seal:you need cam + mic
2015-07-26 23:32.02 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2015-07-26 23:32.19 Ankea:A SUICIDE PARTY!
2015-07-26 23:32.19 Navy_Seal:you need to show your identity
2015-07-26 23:32.25 Ankea:without me ..
2015-07-26 23:32.26 Ankea:!p
2015-07-26 23:32.31 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2015-07-26 23:32.38 viandel:can you edit which weapon the queen shoots out of her belly?
2015-07-26 23:32.40 Navy_Seal:and also you need a mirror so they can check your screen of you
2015-07-26 23:32.43 Navy_Seal:your laptop
2015-07-26 23:33.00 BangBang: I think excessive suiciding is against rules.
2015-07-26 23:33.02 Navy_Seal:after that you need to show the environment with 360 degrees
2015-07-26 23:33.02 }ElitE{HellFire`: i suicided for a reason
2015-07-26 23:33.09 Ankea: ty for translating navy :D
2015-07-26 23:33.15 Navy_Seal:then you can start making the exam
2015-07-26 23:33.17 Navy_Seal:but
2015-07-26 23:33.30 Navy_Seal:the mic is still on but you need to take off your headset
2015-07-26 23:33.33 Ankea: i love suiciding! :P
2015-07-26 23:33.37 Navy_Seal:they listen with you
2015-07-26 23:33.44 }ElitE{HellFire`: in game i hope
2015-07-26 23:33.48 Ankea: yes :D
2015-07-26 23:33.55 Ankea: i suicide alot in bt
2015-07-26 23:34.02 Navy_Seal:just to prevent you from cheating or whatever
2015-07-26 23:34.06 Ankea: for reason and no reasons!
2015-07-26 23:34.08 Navy_Seal:anyways...the short story is I passed
2015-07-26 23:34.09 Navy_Seal::P
2015-07-26 23:34.15 Ankea: Congrats navy! :D
2015-07-26 23:34.18 Navy_Seal:thank you :)
2015-07-26 23:34.32 Ankea: suicide with me?
2015-07-26 23:34.38 Navy_Seal:me?
2015-07-26 23:34.40 Ankea: yes!
2015-07-26 23:34.43 Ankea: join me
2015-07-26 23:34.45 Navy_Seal:I watch you die? :P
2015-07-26 23:34.50 Ankea: no suicide with me
2015-07-26 23:34.53 Ankea: we die together
2015-07-26 23:34.54 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2015-07-26 23:34.56 Ankea: as kind of fun
2015-07-26 23:34.57 }ElitE{HellFire`: NP fazi!
2015-07-26 23:35.04 }ElitE{HellFire`: ::}LOL{::
2015-07-26 23:35.05 Navy_Seal::d
2015-07-26 23:35.15 Navy_Seal:I will stop in a few min anyways :D
2015-07-26 23:35.15 Ankea: and be in ghandi mode
2015-07-26 23:35.20 Navy_Seal:hehe
2015-07-26 23:35.32 Ankea: lake of death
2015-07-26 23:35.42 Navy_Seal:why are you so slow :P
2015-07-26 23:35.48 Ankea: in?
2015-07-26 23:35.49 Navy_Seal:cant you die fast ?:P
2015-07-26 23:35.58 Navy_Seal:finally :D
2015-07-26 23:36.00 Navy_Seal:LOVE IT
2015-07-26 23:36.02 Navy_Seal:moreeee
2015-07-26 23:36.04 Navy_Seal:moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2015-07-26 23:36.08 Navy_Seal::D
2015-07-26 23:36.20 Navy_Seal:hahah
2015-07-26 23:36.33 Ankea: :D
2015-07-26 23:37.18 BangBang: Make her staph.
2015-07-26 23:37.18 Navy_Seal:ok Im gonna quit :D time to get some sleep :D
2015-07-26 23:37.24 Ankea: 100 is enough
2015-07-26 23:37.34 Navy_Seal:good night all
2015-07-26 23:37.37 }ElitE{HellFire`: such accomplishment was made ankea
2015-07-26 23:37.38 Ankea: gn navy
2015-07-26 23:37.41 }ElitE{HellFire`: gn
2015-07-26 23:37.46 Ankea: i once made it 200
2015-07-26 23:37.47 Navy_Seal:dank je wel voor je hulp :)
2015-07-26 23:37.50 Navy_Seal:ciaoz ankea
2015-07-26 23:37.55 Ankea:
2015-07-26 23:37.59 Navy_Seal:cheers viandel, fazi etc.
2015-07-26 23:38.00 Navy_Seal::D
2015-07-26 23:38.03 Ankea: ciao navy
2015-07-26 23:38.10 FAZI: gn

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