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Match Infos
Distance traveled:38,89km
Map Time:00:20:39
Playdate:2015-12-07 22:50:10
Team Awards:
*POTS*9156 2 0 0 00:20:39 3,55km
Sharky"CLM"38412 1 0 0 00:20:39 5,58km
Castigatore13168 0 0 0 00:20:39 5,83km
{MHM}BIOMECH18255 2 1 0 00:20:39 5,15km
GIN93R13674 2 0 0 00:20:39 5,97km
dU.Suz2515 1 0 0 00:20:33 3,03km
Max_Bullet13825 2 0 0 00:20:22 4,99km
ni3dzi3l2939 1 0 0 00:08:48 2,80km
Midian0 0 0 0 00:05:40 1,34km
Randy_marsh430 2 0 0 00:02:08 0,49km
Neto0 0 0 0 00:00:56 0,00km
Term0 0 0 0 00:00:29 0,16km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
*POTS* 1/1 5 0 0 0 1 5 24 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 42
Sharky"CLM" 8 1 0 0 9 5 0 25 1 21 0 0 2 7 9 0 0 0 0/2 88
Castigatore 2 4 0 0 5 1 0 9 0 13 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 38
{MHM}BIOMECH 3 8 0 0 1 14 11 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 5 1 0 0 0/2 55
GIN93R 0 5 0 0 0 3 1/1 44 1 1 0 0 0/1 2 2 1 0 0 0 60
dU.Suz 0 0 0 0 0 2 0/1 4 0 3 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 13
Max_Bullet 2 3 0 0 1 9 4 23 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0/2 58
ni3dzi3l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0/2 5
Midian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Randy_marsh 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 2
Neto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Term 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2015-12-07 22:30.44 dU.Suz: he´s the Abuser
2015-12-07 22:31.06 VaFan:resuba
2015-12-07 22:31.10 }ElitE{Hell`:good map
2015-12-07 22:31.12 }ElitE{Hell`:but i cba
2015-12-07 22:31.13 dU.Suz:xD
2015-12-07 22:31.16 *POTS*: VaFan here?
2015-12-07 22:31.19 Ariana:vafan reminds me of waffles
2015-12-07 22:31.22 dU.Suz:yes
2015-12-07 22:31.24 *POTS*: Ariana your fault
2015-12-07 22:31.27 VaFan:katching
2015-12-07 22:31.28 {MHM}BIOMECH: I remember how our group works now
2015-12-07 22:31.31 dU.Suz: hmm
2015-12-07 22:31.33 dU.Suz: waffles
2015-12-07 22:31.34 *POTS*: if Vette joins i crash the server
2015-12-07 22:31.35 {MHM}BIOMECH: We cycle spectators and players
2015-12-07 22:31.40 Ariana:xD dont worry pots
2015-12-07 22:31.41 dU.Suz: LOL vette will not come here
2015-12-07 22:31.47 VaFan:but only watching not take any action
2015-12-07 22:31.48 dU.Suz: we don´t talk to vette!
2015-12-07 22:31.52 Gemsey:ive been on here for hours
2015-12-07 22:31.56 {MHM}BIOMECH: :D
2015-12-07 22:31.57 randy_marsh: lol
2015-12-07 22:32.08 Ariana:vafan its your bed time :]
2015-12-07 22:32.13 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:32.15 *POTS*: ari
2015-12-07 22:32.17 {MHM}BIOMECH: Koe has achieved DOUBLE KILL
2015-12-07 22:32.20 *POTS*: i found your fav map
2015-12-07 22:32.21 dU.Suz: he doesn´t want to go to bed now ;D
2015-12-07 22:32.29 VaFan:cant
2015-12-07 22:32.30 Ariana:he doesnt but he must xD
2015-12-07 22:32.34 Ariana:my fave map? o:
2015-12-07 22:32.37 *POTS*: °Ari
2015-12-07 22:32.39 *POTS*: yes
2015-12-07 22:32.43 Gemsey:i see you potsy <3
2015-12-07 22:32.44 {MHM}BIOMECH: LOLWUT
2015-12-07 22:32.45 *POTS*: BT-NaliSurfing
2015-12-07 22:32.49 Ariana:NO
2015-12-07 22:32.51 {MHM}BIOMECH: I just a cow run off the edge
2015-12-07 22:32.52 *POTS*: xD
2015-12-07 22:32.52 Ariana:I know it.
2015-12-07 22:32.54 dU.Suz: moo
2015-12-07 22:32.56 VaFan:have to ummm watch some TV first
2015-12-07 22:32.58 Ariana:I left that map when it was on
2015-12-07 22:32.59 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:33.09 Ariana:tv... sure vafan :]
2015-12-07 22:33.13 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:33.15 }ElitE{Hell`:nali surfing lol
2015-12-07 22:33.15 VaFan:tzzz
2015-12-07 22:33.15 *POTS*: lol that name xD
2015-12-07 22:33.17 Ariana:we know what are you going to watch xD
2015-12-07 22:33.19 }ElitE{Hell`:uncapable for me
2015-12-07 22:33.23 Beemo:pr0nz?
2015-12-07 22:33.25 *POTS*: i cant cap it either
2015-12-07 22:33.29 VaFan:you mean vafan?
2015-12-07 22:33.30 dU.Suz: don´t worry Vafan, you can ;D
2015-12-07 22:33.32 Ariana:and pots that map freaked me out
2015-12-07 22:33.33 }ElitE{Hell`:more because its annoying
2015-12-07 22:33.45 }ElitE{Hell`:cba rules me
2015-12-07 22:33.49 VaFan:not sure cant have my favourite pos.
2015-12-07 22:33.52 }ElitE{Hell`:as it once ruled supreme
2015-12-07 22:34.10 *POTS*: wasnt it Aspergers?
2015-12-07 22:34.18 }ElitE{Hell`:ye
2015-12-07 22:34.21 Ariana:meow
2015-12-07 22:34.27 *POTS*: and Cow with passive aggressive
2015-12-07 22:34.30 }ElitE{Hell`:::}LOL{::
2015-12-07 22:34.31 VaFan:hmmm
2015-12-07 22:34.33 {MHM}BIOMECH: wut
2015-12-07 22:34.38 }ElitE{Hell`:ye koe explain
2015-12-07 22:34.42 *POTS*: ye remember gopo
2015-12-07 22:34.43 {MHM}BIOMECH: wut
2015-12-07 22:34.50 }ElitE{Hell`:our friend
2015-12-07 22:34.55 *POTS*: he said bio was affected by passive aggressive remakrs
2015-12-07 22:34.57 VaFan:well i go gn some of us has to work...
2015-12-07 22:35.07 Ariana:work it good ^^
2015-12-07 22:35.10 }ElitE{Hell`:and gopo is always right
2015-12-07 22:35.10 dU.Suz: gn vafaaaan ^^
2015-12-07 22:35.16 dU.Suz: enjoy your night :*
2015-12-07 22:35.17 Ariana:Goodnight wafflesssss ^^
2015-12-07 22:35.19 VaFan:nite girls
2015-12-07 22:35.21 dU.Suz: waffleeees
2015-12-07 22:35.31 *POTS*: lol that nick dont say it please xD
2015-12-07 22:35.45 *POTS*: makes me laugh each time
2015-12-07 22:35.49 dU.Suz: waffles?
2015-12-07 22:35.50 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:35.54 *POTS*: nope vafan xD
2015-12-07 22:35.57 dU.Suz: haha
2015-12-07 22:36.00 dU.Suz: vafaaaan
2015-12-07 22:36.05 Ariana:he says it means like "damn it" in swedish xD
2015-12-07 22:36.05 *POTS*: vafan....c....
2015-12-07 22:36.12 dU.Suz: ye
2015-12-07 22:36.15 dU.Suz: it does LOL
2015-12-07 22:36.17 Ariana:x´D
2015-12-07 22:36.32 }ElitE{Hell`:lmao mister on bt again
2015-12-07 22:36.32 *POTS*: in italian if u add "culo" means go fuck yourself xD
2015-12-07 22:36.40 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:36.41 }ElitE{Hell`:he left finally
2015-12-07 22:36.43 }ElitE{Hell`:from mh to bt
2015-12-07 22:36.46 *POTS*: who
2015-12-07 22:36.48 dU.Suz: o.O
2015-12-07 22:36.51 }ElitE{Hell`:mister our farm pro
2015-12-07 22:36.55 dU.Suz: LOL
2015-12-07 22:36.59 }ElitE{Hell`:i seen him three times on bt now
2015-12-07 22:37.02 Ariana:about the chili pepper
2015-12-07 22:37.04 Ariana:my dad ate it
2015-12-07 22:37.08 Ariana:and he was up all night
2015-12-07 22:37.08 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:37.11 dU.Suz: haha
2015-12-07 22:37.12 Ariana:he told me today
2015-12-07 22:37.12 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:37.14 dU.Suz: poor dad xD
2015-12-07 22:37.17 Ariana:yeah x´D
2015-12-07 22:37.21 dU.Suz: never trust the "mild"
2015-12-07 22:37.24 dU.Suz: never!
2015-12-07 22:37.25 Ariana:he said he had diarrhea all night LOL
2015-12-07 22:37.27 dU.Suz: LOL
2015-12-07 22:37.32 *POTS*: too much info lol
2015-12-07 22:37.34 Ariana:x´D
2015-12-07 22:37.39 Ariana:thats nothing
2015-12-07 22:37.39 *POTS*: fos
2015-12-07 22:37.46 Ariana:I said more when I ate the pepper
2015-12-07 22:37.47 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:37.53 *POTS*: too bad villa not here
2015-12-07 22:37.56 Ariana:elite was the victim xD
2015-12-07 22:37.58 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:38.01 dU.Suz: firenaab remembers
2015-12-07 22:38.15 *POTS*: ?
2015-12-07 22:38.23 Ariana:you dont wanna know
2015-12-07 22:38.24 Ariana:^^
2015-12-07 22:38.26 dU.Suz: ^^
2015-12-07 22:38.27 *POTS*: . I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I II
2015-12-07 22:38.27 *POTS*: . I...BEER TRUCK..........I II´I";, ___.
2015-12-07 22:38.27 *POTS*: . I_..._..._______===I=II_I__I......, ] -
2015-12-07 22:38.27 *POTS*: . "(@)´(@)"""**I(@)(@)*** **´´(@)
2015-12-07 22:38.42 Ariana:made me think of the coca cola xmas truck
2015-12-07 22:38.46 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:38.48 Ariana:that commercial always makes me happy xD
2015-12-07 22:38.56 Ariana:even though I dont drink it
2015-12-07 22:38.59 Ariana:maybe once a year xD
2015-12-07 22:39.00 dU.Suz: oh we set up the tree
2015-12-07 22:39.03 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:39.11 dU.Suz: and my little nephew kept wanting to bring it down
2015-12-07 22:39.12 Ariana:I did too! I just need new blinking lights
2015-12-07 22:39.15 dU.Suz: and play with the balls
2015-12-07 22:39.16 Ariana:xD oh no
2015-12-07 22:39.19 *POTS*: eat mentos and drink coke afterwards for a successfull living xD
2015-12-07 22:39.24 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:39.27 Ariana:play with the balls
2015-12-07 22:39.29 Ariana:suz Im sorry
2015-12-07 22:39.30 *POTS*: haha
2015-12-07 22:39.32 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:39.32 Ariana:but that is just wrong
2015-12-07 22:39.37 Ariana:x´D
2015-12-07 22:39.37 *POTS*: pervert suz
2015-12-07 22:39.38 dU.Suz: LOL
2015-12-07 22:39.48 *POTS*: and they complain about me
2015-12-07 22:39.54 Ariana:shush leatherboy
2015-12-07 22:39.58 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:40.02 }ElitE{Hell`:LOL is that your nick
2015-12-07 22:40.06 *POTS*: dont make me go nali naab on you!
2015-12-07 22:40.07 dU.Suz: oh shush firenaab
2015-12-07 22:40.08 Ariana:NO
2015-12-07 22:40.09 }ElitE{Hell`:then firenaab is good
2015-12-07 22:40.14 {MHM}BIOMECH: Leatherboy confirmed new name
2015-12-07 22:40.17 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:40.24 dU.Suz: and Graviton Abuser
2015-12-07 22:40.24 }ElitE{Hell`:for some reason that sounds so dumb
2015-12-07 22:40.26 {MHM}BIOMECH: NU
2015-12-07 22:40.29 dU.Suz: YES
2015-12-07 22:40.31 {MHM}BIOMECH: nu
2015-12-07 22:40.33 Ariana:o:
2015-12-07 22:40.34 dU.Suz: yes
2015-12-07 22:40.35 {MHM}BIOMECH: nu
2015-12-07 22:40.38 dU.Suz: yes
2015-12-07 22:40.39 {MHM}BIOMECH: nu
2015-12-07 22:40.44 dU.Suz: pfft yes
2015-12-07 22:40.46 Ariana:NO
2015-12-07 22:40.46 {MHM}BIOMECH: NU
2015-12-07 22:40.49 *POTS*: xD
2015-12-07 22:40.53 }ElitE{Hell`:koe wheres you super shit smiley
2015-12-07 22:40.56 }ElitE{Hell`:that might work
2015-12-07 22:40.57 {MHM}BIOMECH: :-
2015-12-07 22:41.01 Ariana:._. I hate you pots
2015-12-07 22:41.02 }ElitE{Hell`:OH
2015-12-07 22:41.04 *POTS*: krowa na admina
2015-12-07 22:41.07 dU.Suz: LOL
2015-12-07 22:41.13 *POTS*: </3
2015-12-07 22:41.15 dU.Suz: *spanks crock pot*
2015-12-07 22:41.39 dU.Suz: oh no
2015-12-07 22:41.42 dU.Suz: angry moo
2015-12-07 22:41.51 Ariana:brb :3
2015-12-07 22:42.17 dU.Suz: oh shush
2015-12-07 22:42.46 ni3dzi3l:
2015-12-07 22:43.03 }ElitE{Hell`:ok im off weirdos (suz) and naabs (everyone)
2015-12-07 22:43.08 }ElitE{Hell`:cu!
2015-12-07 22:43.09 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:43.11 dU.Suz: bye naab
2015-12-07 22:43.13 *POTS*: cya
2015-12-07 22:43.14 Gemsey:rude
2015-12-07 22:43.18 *POTS*: naabfire
2015-12-07 22:43.32 {MHM}BIOMECH: Leatherboy
2015-12-07 22:43.38 *POTS*: ...
2015-12-07 22:44.01 *POTS*: well.. leather = processed cow
2015-12-07 22:44.06 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:45.08 dU.Suz: Midiaaaan :3
2015-12-07 22:45.11 Midian: ^^
2015-12-07 22:45.19 Midian: Suzzerina :D
2015-12-07 22:46.00 Midian: lol I tried a ut cache converter prog didnt work I have to download everything again
2015-12-07 22:46.03 Midian: >_<
2015-12-07 22:46.07 dU.Suz: :o
2015-12-07 22:46.11 dU.Suz: why what happened
2015-12-07 22:46.12 dU.Suz: o.o
2015-12-07 22:46.20 Midian: it just deleted the cache lmao
2015-12-07 22:46.24 dU.Suz: :o
2015-12-07 22:46.51 {MHM}BIOMECH: Did you try changing system32 to a .jpeg
2015-12-07 22:46.59 Midian: lmao
2015-12-07 22:47.08 *POTS*: i dont use cache converters i convert manually wjhat i need
2015-12-07 22:47.09 Midian: I tried changing it to a potato didnt work
2015-12-07 22:47.17 Midian: I play this through said potato as we speak
2015-12-07 22:47.29 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:47.38 dU.Suz: fancy potato?
2015-12-07 22:47.43 Midian: pretty fancy
2015-12-07 22:47.47 dU.Suz: ^^
2015-12-07 22:47.58 ni3dzi3l: a
2015-12-07 22:47.58 Ariana:back :3
2015-12-07 22:48.02 {MHM}BIOMECH: derp.
2015-12-07 22:48.04 Midian: Ari!!! :D
2015-12-07 22:48.06 *POTS*: wb
2015-12-07 22:48.06 dU.Suz: wb :3
2015-12-07 22:48.11 Ariana:thank you <3
2015-12-07 22:48.15 Ariana:hi Midian :;3
2015-12-07 22:48.17 Ariana::3* oops
2015-12-07 22:48.19 dU.Suz: eeek
2015-12-07 22:48.22 Midian: im so lost
2015-12-07 22:48.26 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:48.31 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:48.39 dU.Suz: what is this you beasts!
2015-12-07 22:48.39 ni3dzi3l: a
2015-12-07 22:48.40 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:48.44 dU.Suz: taking turns shooting me
2015-12-07 22:48.46 dU.Suz: :o
2015-12-07 22:49.01 {MHM}BIOMECH: I was aware of no system of taking turns
2015-12-07 22:49.05 {MHM}BIOMECH: I just wanted to
2015-12-07 22:49.10 dU.Suz: o.O
2015-12-07 22:49.14 dU.Suz: a b u s e r
2015-12-07 22:49.17 {MHM}BIOMECH: nu
2015-12-07 22:49.21 dU.Suz: :P
2015-12-07 22:49.58 {MHM}BIOMECH: Warlord too weak
2015-12-07 22:50.02 {MHM}BIOMECH: Plz give ultima protoss
2015-12-07 22:50.05 dU.Suz: xD
2015-12-07 22:50.10 Midian: wohoo made it
2015-12-07 22:50.13 Midian: lol
2015-12-07 22:50.16 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:50.19 {MHM}BIOMECH: Warlord needs to have X missiles
2015-12-07 22:50.26 dU.Suz: NO
2015-12-07 22:50.33 {MHM}BIOMECH: Okay, T missiles
2015-12-07 22:51.17 dU.Suz: AH
2015-12-07 22:51.23 dU.Suz: that wont make me crash now xD
2015-12-07 22:51.24 dU.Suz: woohoo
2015-12-07 22:51.26 dU.Suz: lol
2015-12-07 22:51.27 {MHM}BIOMECH: ll
2015-12-07 22:51.29 Ariana:xD
2015-12-07 22:51.31 dU.Suz: stupid maps take that!
2015-12-07 22:51.33 {MHM}BIOMECH: kek
2015-12-07 22:51.35 {MHM}BIOMECH: kek

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