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Match Infos
Distance traveled:50,22km
Map Time:00:26:41
Playdate:2012-10-21 18:10:33
Team Awards:
Ranokoh4685 11 0 0 00:26:41 5,49km
Ben_Isotope32783 4 0 0 00:26:37 5,42km
{MHM}Reiyel_3.014527 5 2 0 00:26:04 4,62km
Baby_on_the_Tank2275 13 0 0 00:25:52 6,13km
Chris3686 8 1 0 00:23:20 4,11km
[No_CoMMeNt]9756 3 0 0 00:20:49 3,02km
Bell_Pepper15346 5 4 0 00:20:11 3,68km
BigBadWolf6076 5 0 0 00:17:45 4,06km
{MHM}BIOMECH21481 4 1 0 00:15:49 2,87km
-=]UK[=PENCH-5 1 0 0 00:10:23 2,23km
HereFishyFishyFishy24231 1 0 0 00:08:58 2,14km
Ciapek3119 2 0 0 00:07:53 1,30km
}ElitE{HellFire`1624 1 1 0 00:06:49 1,68km
suhc_typo_much_wow2475 1 0 0 00:04:40 0,97km
Rettungsschirm10623 0 0 0 00:04:09 1,14km
jmp-1 4 3 0 00:03:22 0,41km
WWELUDO2249 1 0 0 00:01:42 0,50km
Piro2953 0 0 0 00:01:27 0,45km

Monster Kill Statistic
Player Other TOTAL
Ranokoh 3/1 5 0 0 0 0 2/3 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/9 12
Ben_Isotope 13 5/1 0 7 0 6 6/2 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52
{MHM}Reiyel_3.0 3/1 6/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 10
Baby_on_the_Tank 3 1 0 0 0 2/1 3/3 0 0 2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/7 11
Chris 10/2 3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/8 13
[No_CoMMeNt] 0 0 0 4/1 0 0 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 8
Bell_Pepper 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 6
BigBadWolf 1 0 0 1/1 0 0 3/4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
{MHM}BIOMECH 0 0 0 6 0 9 4/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 19
-=]UK[=PENCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0
HereFishyFishyFishy 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 4
Ciapek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
}ElitE{HellFire` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0/1 1
suhc_typo_much_wow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rettungsschirm 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
jmp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 0
WWELUDO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2 0
Piro 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Monster killed         Killed by Monster
2012-10-21 17:45.41 HereFishyFishyFishy: oht his
2012-10-21 17:45.45 JMP: well bt i s fun :D
2012-10-21 17:45.46 HereFishyFishyFishy: takes too long
2012-10-21 17:45.50 HereFishyFishyFishy: food!
2012-10-21 17:45.54 Chris: Hello JMP <3!
2012-10-21 17:45.54 dacht_t:!p
2012-10-21 17:46.00 JMP: HEY CHRIS (L) !
2012-10-21 17:46.41 JMP: how are you my friend? :) !!!?
2012-10-21 17:46.47 Chris: Good:) hbu?
2012-10-21 17:46.58 JMP: what? o0
2012-10-21 17:47.09 Chris: hbu= How about you
2012-10-21 17:47.11 Chris: :D
2012-10-21 17:47.18 JMP: oh :D
2012-10-21 17:47.22 JMP: im good thanks! :D
2012-10-21 17:47.26 Chris: :D
2012-10-21 17:47.27 JMP: but i hate sundays
2012-10-21 17:47.30 JMP: monday tomorrow -.-
2012-10-21 17:47.33 Chris: oh yh me too:S
2012-10-21 17:49.05 JMP: omg :D
2012-10-21 17:49.08 Chris: lol :D
2012-10-21 17:49.16 JMP: oh my connect is bad right now :S
2012-10-21 17:49.31 Chris: Oh that happens here too from time to time:(
2012-10-21 17:50.08 dacht_t: lol
2012-10-21 17:50.09 dacht_t: bug
2012-10-21 17:54.17 dacht_t: !s
2012-10-21 17:55.10 dr:Deo: rrrrrrd44444444444444e33333333eeeerr
2012-10-21 17:56.23 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: le moo
2012-10-21 17:56.29 {MHM}BIOMECH: Oh huzzah, another MHM. Where have you guys been? :o
2012-10-21 17:56.46 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: I was on a small trip
2012-10-21 17:56.46 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 17:56.50 Chris: Oh MHM=Monster Hunt Mayhem right?
2012-10-21 17:56.53 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: haven´t seen naabfire in a while as well
2012-10-21 17:56.59 {MHM}BIOMECH: Yeah
2012-10-21 17:57.16 Chris: Hermskii is the owner of it?
2012-10-21 17:57.19 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: but i have seen supreme
2012-10-21 17:57.26 {MHM}BIOMECH: You both left rather suddenly and left me all alone.
2012-10-21 17:57.28 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 17:57.29 {MHM}BIOMECH: Me too, on 3s
2012-10-21 17:57.37 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: also saw him here
2012-10-21 17:57.48 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: and yes, hermskii is the founder father of MHM
2012-10-21 17:57.50 {MHM}BIOMECH: We talked about dU and he said
2012-10-21 17:58.00 Chris: Cool I am in his team too:D
2012-10-21 17:58.04 {MHM}BIOMECH: "du seems to be where its at, but the votes...THE VOTES"
2012-10-21 17:58.09 Chris: I have 1 of my maps on his server
2012-10-21 17:58.10 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 17:58.10 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: THE VOTES
2012-10-21 17:58.15 {MHM}BIOMECH: So I doubt we´ll be seeing him here. :P
2012-10-21 17:58.18 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: ATAA, Shooting guys, etc
2012-10-21 17:58.31 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: when he sees one of us he jumps in
2012-10-21 17:58.34 {MHM}BIOMECH: xD
2012-10-21 17:58.39 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: so he might drop by
2012-10-21 17:58.40 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: LOL
2012-10-21 17:58.41 {MHM}BIOMECH: I ambushed him on 3s actually
2012-10-21 17:58.41 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 17:58.42 {MHM}BIOMECH: LOL
2012-10-21 17:58.47 Chris: He shuld concider adding some mapvote on the server
2012-10-21 17:58.54 {MHM}BIOMECH: We summoned a naabfire :>
2012-10-21 17:58.55 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: MHM 6th sense
2012-10-21 17:59.09 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: there is a mapvote on Herm´s MHM1
2012-10-21 17:59.14 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: have to type on console
2012-10-21 17:59.19 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.21 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.22 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.24 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.25 Chris: Oh what has to be typed?
2012-10-21 17:59.26 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.34 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.36 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.40 {MHM}BIOMECH: Something annoyingly complicated
2012-10-21 17:59.41 {MHM}BIOMECH: IIRC
2012-10-21 17:59.41 Villagemeeting: hello
2012-10-21 17:59.43 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.49 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 17:59.54 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: i can´t type¿
2012-10-21 18:00.01 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 18:00.02 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: mutate bdbmapvote votemenu
2012-10-21 18:00.05 dacht_t:!p
2012-10-21 18:00.07 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: lol
2012-10-21 18:00.14 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: odd
2012-10-21 18:00.20 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: can´t say the command here
2012-10-21 18:00.20 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 18:00.20 Chris: Hmm atleast he shuld write it somewhere as advertising or smtg so others can use it
2012-10-21 18:00.24 Villagemeeting: okay, cya
2012-10-21 18:00.26 Villagemeeting: !exit
2012-10-21 18:00.42 {MHM}BIOMECH: Somewhat ironically, the chances of seeing an MHM on MHM are very low
2012-10-21 18:00.46 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: "mutate bdbmapvote votemenu"
2012-10-21 18:00.53 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: that´s the command
2012-10-21 18:00.57 Chris: ah
2012-10-21 18:01.03 {MHM}BIOMECH: I was right with the annoyingly complicated...
2012-10-21 18:01.09 {MHM}BIOMECH: Make sure to keybind that if you play there often
2012-10-21 18:01.12 Chris: thx im gonna go try it out I wanna play my map on the server:P
2012-10-21 18:01.18 Chris: yeah
2012-10-21 18:01.23 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: which one is your map btw?
2012-10-21 18:01.43 Chris: just a sec
2012-10-21 18:02.02 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: we all 3 here, i bet 1 pound supreme will join
2012-10-21 18:02.08 {MHM}BIOMECH: Tch.
2012-10-21 18:02.18 {MHM}BIOMECH: I hate it when other people set off traps, which then kills me.
2012-10-21 18:02.24 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 18:02.28 HereFishyFishyFishy: [Base clear? If not, let me know plz]
2012-10-21 18:02.29 Ben_Isotope: oh god
2012-10-21 18:02.29 Chris: Some annoying porgam is glitching in the background here
2012-10-21 18:02.34 Chris: but got it fixed now
2012-10-21 18:02.39 Ben_Isotope: who was that dumbass?
2012-10-21 18:02.43 HereFishyFishyFishy: porgam sounds sexy
2012-10-21 18:02.48 Trigger:dont stand on the button lol
2012-10-21 18:02.51 Chris: anyway its called MH-AncientMystery(ByChris) I think
2012-10-21 18:02.58 dacht_t: lol, its not porngram
2012-10-21 18:02.59 Chris: It was a long time ago since I made it
2012-10-21 18:03.04 {MHM}BIOMECH: LOL
2012-10-21 18:03.07 HereFishyFishyFishy: oops
2012-10-21 18:03.08 {MHM}BIOMECH: The krall boosted me into the trap
2012-10-21 18:03.10 Trigger:dont stand on the button lol
2012-10-21 18:03.12 HereFishyFishyFishy: did i touch it?
2012-10-21 18:03.15 HereFishyFishyFishy: i juped
2012-10-21 18:03.16 HereFishyFishyFishy: m
2012-10-21 18:03.18 {MHM}BIOMECH: Son of a....God damn krall
2012-10-21 18:03.32 {MHM}BIOMECH: It boosted me into the spikes! :<
2012-10-21 18:03.37 Chris: so "Summon BDBMapVote VoteMenu"?
2012-10-21 18:03.51 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: nope
2012-10-21 18:03.53 {MHM}BIOMECH: Where did you get the summon part from :-
2012-10-21 18:03.56 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: "mutate bdbmapvote votemenu"
2012-10-21 18:04.00 Chris: oh I mean Mutate
2012-10-21 18:04.22 Chris: lol im used to type in Summon when I test my maps :P
2012-10-21 18:04.24 {MHM}HellFire`: 333333333333333333333333333
2012-10-21 18:04.31 Chris: anyway in going to the MHM server
2012-10-21 18:04.32 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: 44444444444444444444444444
2012-10-21 18:05.04 {MHM}HellFire`: naabcow! shocknaab!
2012-10-21 18:05.11 {MHM}BIOMECH: Ehhhh
2012-10-21 18:05.13 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: clash of the naabs!
2012-10-21 18:05.34 {MHM}BIOMECH: I guess we could
2012-10-21 18:05.35 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 18:05.43 {MHM}Reiyel_3.0: we could clash?
2012-10-21 18:05.52 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:05.55 {MHM}BIOMECH: No, the server move :p
2012-10-21 18:05.57 {MHM}HellFire`: lol u seen that
2012-10-21 18:05.59 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.03 dacht_t: nice boat trip
2012-10-21 18:06.04 Unai:yes :P
2012-10-21 18:06.08 Trigger:hi unai
2012-10-21 18:06.11 Unai:lol look the nabs at the boat!
2012-10-21 18:06.13 Unai:hi :P
2012-10-21 18:06.21 HereFishyFishyFishy: yo
2012-10-21 18:06.28 HereFishyFishyFishy: unai this aint the right flak right?
2012-10-21 18:06.30 Trigger:man its been funny to watch lol
2012-10-21 18:06.33 <//UrS//>smelly_feet: re :P
2012-10-21 18:06.34 Unai:yes
2012-10-21 18:06.40 HereFishyFishyFishy: proper one?
2012-10-21 18:06.48 Unai:no, the "hellfire cannon" just in landsofnapali..
2012-10-21 18:06.48 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.49 {MHM}BIOMECH: :O
2012-10-21 18:06.56 {MHM}BIOMECH: LOL
2012-10-21 18:06.56 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.57 Trigger:lol
2012-10-21 18:06.57 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.57 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.58 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.58 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.58 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.58 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:06.58 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:07.03 dacht_t: sorry
2012-10-21 18:07.04 Trigger:so cfunny
2012-10-21 18:07.05 {MHM}BIOMECH: Crushed by a pipe :[
2012-10-21 18:07.08 {MHM}HellFire`: }ElitE{cRuNcHeR: do smin gay, it´s fun to watch
2012-10-21 18:07.21 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:07.42 Unai:oh
2012-10-21 18:07.42 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:07.45 dr:Deo: ttttttttggggggeeet
2012-10-21 18:07.50 Unai:less nabs this time.
2012-10-21 18:08.07 HereFishyFishyFishy: [%P %H %A]
2012-10-21 18:08.18 dr:Deo: ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte
2012-10-21 18:08.29 Chris: hmm thats weird
2012-10-21 18:08.33 Chris: the map is not there
2012-10-21 18:08.38 {MHM}BIOMECH: :-
2012-10-21 18:08.48 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:08.52 Chris: I sent it to him weeks ago and he said he would put it up in a couple of days
2012-10-21 18:08.56 {MHM}BIOMECH: HAHAHA
2012-10-21 18:09.08 {MHM}BIOMECH: Oh god...You don´t know he´s slow, huh?
2012-10-21 18:09.19 Piro: halloooooooooooooooooooooooo all
2012-10-21 18:09.23 <//UrS//>smelly_feet: hi
2012-10-21 18:09.23 Chris: I know he is but that slow?
2012-10-21 18:09.27 {MHM}BIOMECH: Yeah.
2012-10-21 18:09.30 Chris: lmao
2012-10-21 18:09.35 <//UrS//>smelly_feet: ...
2012-10-21 18:09.38 HereFishyFishyFishy: lol my screen is still watery blueish
2012-10-21 18:09.51 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:10.04 Chris: im gonna have to send him an E-mail lol
2012-10-21 18:10.13 dr:Deo: ttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
2012-10-21 18:10.14 Unai:oh
2012-10-21 18:10.17 Unai:u missed a merc!
2012-10-21 18:10.23 HereFishyFishyFishy: okill itw
2012-10-21 18:10.28 Unai:O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O
2012-10-21 18:10.28 dr:Deo: tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttfrrrrrfffffffffffffff
2012-10-21 18:10.32 HereFishyFishyFishy: ?
2012-10-21 18:10.35 {MHM}BIOMECH: Yeah. If it takes a month for the new map to appear, consider yourself lucky...:P
2012-10-21 18:10.49 Chris: haha :P
2012-10-21 18:10.53 Unai:!p
2012-10-21 18:11.01 {MHM}HellFire`: not naab gauntlet
2012-10-21 18:11.05 Chris: He dosent have much maps up either
2012-10-21 18:11.09 Unai: we rec it yesterday, nab gauntlet.
2012-10-21 18:11.16 {MHM}BIOMECH: Why do you think we spend all our time here? =p
2012-10-21 18:11.19 HereFishyFishyFishy: so no need for it today
2012-10-21 18:11.35 Chris: haha :P well he shuld fix it if he wants players :P
2012-10-21 18:11.48 Unai: shakrah
2012-10-21 18:11.48 {MHM}BIOMECH: Here in MHM, we´re nomadic
2012-10-21 18:11.59 Chris: maby I´ll set up a MH server myself and connects it to his comunity:P
2012-10-21 18:12.04 Unai: O--- LoLLy-LOL ---O

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